Saturday 2 August 2014

The Shippibg News

This has to be one of the strangest films I have ever watched. As it doesn't have a conventional structure for a film following someone rediscovering themselves. As usually for that they go on a journey to help them get over a disaster in their life; in this case Kevin Spacey just goes through life to get over it.

Literally all this film is, is us following Spacey's character as he adjusts to his new life in this small remote lake town.

I now find myself wondering on how to review this film, if it was a bond film it could be compared to the others, if it was an Oscar film it could be reviewed on its artistic merit. But its like nothing I've ever seen before, there is no milestone to compare it against, no guidelines to follow for something like this; which makes me wonder was that the directors intention. I don't mean making it hard to review but to make it different from everything else out there; if it was he (maybe even she) succeeded at doing so.

Though this film doesn't really take us on a journey, just through his life, I still felt immersed into the narrative and setting of the film; as perhaps as we are just watching someone's life play out we can easily relate. Maybe not to the exact events he's in but similar events in our lives, workplace conflicts, muck ups with women, miscommunication with others. This is all stuff we each know, which you would think would make the film mundane but in fact it does the opposite; as we want to see how it will turn out for Spacey come the end of the film. Yet rather than just focusing on him we are shown other characters and what they are going through but as if we are Spacey witnessing them, as we only see/know what he does.

But all this considered if you asked me if I liked the film I would tell you I loved it, if you offered it me on Blu-ray I'd take it. But if you asked if I wanted to watch it again I'd probably say not now, as it is one of those films that only needs watching once to be fully effective then must be left for a long time before being watched again.

Thank for reading.

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