Thursday 26 December 2013

Update shizzle

I haven't posted for a while I hope to post regularly on here but I may not. Only time will tell. But what I wanted to say is as you may know on my YouTube channel I shall be doing a video every day for at least 4 weeks. So enjoy.

Thursday 19 December 2013


So a few days ago Nolan kindly gave us a teaser trailer for his new film. And I just need to say how much I am looking forward to this, even more after watching the teaser.

You may be asking what does the trailer tell us, not that much really. Just that it will be about some crowning human achievement to come that is in space. That is literally all we can get from it.

But come on its the next Nolan film so it will be awesome. No doubt about that, so roll in 2014 so we can it.

Thursday 12 December 2013

The British Comedy Awards 2013

So as I'm writing this the comedy awards are taking place. But I plead to anyone who may turn over to watch them or catch up on them, don't. I have just sat through 40 minutes of them and not a single funny joke was told, I would not even give any of them a 'lol' as young people say.

And why they got jonathan Ross to host I have no idea, it's like getting Professor Hawking to host the Olympics, you just don't do it. Get someone funny in to do it, get Graham Norton he is twice the chat show host Ross is and knows how to formulate a joke and a joke that will get laughs at that.

And the awards, who actually judges where they are going, as this person must never of seen any comedy before. Lets take the first award for an example, it was the clip show category. And the winner was a clip in which a man said Michael Gove twenty odd times, how on earth is that comedy. But hey why let something like not being funny get in the way of being a shit show.

So please I beg of you don't waste your time on that tripe, go to YouTube and watch some Monty Python or Morecambe and Wise or Fawlty Towers. If you want laughs watch actual comedy as this show is devoid of it.

Sunday 8 December 2013

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Review

So earlier today I watched the new Hunger Games film. And I have to say it wasn't what is all it was made up to be, don't get me wrong I really liked it I just expected more. But on with the review and sadly I do have to warn that their WILL BE SPOILERS as I can't come up with a review without referring to the film sorry.

So where to start, oh yes the beginng. And it starts approx 1 year after the first film finished and we haven't really missed much other than political issues. So we see Katniss and that boy she loved from the first film, not Peta the other one, having some time together. And I'm thinking this could really lead to something considering in the public eye she and Peta are lovers. So there may be some affair or something, oh was I dumb as that would require common script writing sense to come up with. I'm not lying we literally see him once they kiss and say how much they love each other, 2 hours later they see each other again, minding between then Peta and her have apparently gotten married and have a child on the way, they show no signs of love and all he tells her that her home district is destroyed. I really hope that is ending wasn't supposed to be shocking as for the entire film they were leading towards his. Hell earlier they said about a district 13 having been destroyed, but I shall come onto that in a moment, due to revolution. So you tell us this and show revolt and crap discipline in that district and expect us to be shocked when we find out it is destroyed, learn to write. I don't know if this is directly from the book or adapted for screen but either way it is stupid.

So district 13, a major exposition point wouldn't you agree about an entire district being destroyed. But did we hear of this before, say in the first film when you tell us about the district system, the revolution and why you have the hungers games, when it would make sense to tell us. Nope and do they mention it again nope, as that would require them to know who to write. And this system has gone on for 75 years, so Kantiss is what 17 so that's 50 years for it to have been destroyed without her knowing about it. But if it was her mothers generation in which it is destroyed don't you think someone would of spoken of it, even if it was the generation before how have people forgotten about it. An entire district being destroyed and no one talks about it, really? Pompeii was destroyed how many thousands of gears ago and we still know and talk about that, so in a country that had 13 districts how can the destruction of one of those have no one remember it.

But carrying on the theme of being unable to write we come to the predictability of the film, as stated before district 12 being destroyed how obvious was that. And how about kantiss surviving these Hunger Games, but would they really kill the main character, no. But they still write in at least 6 times events in which could lead Kantiss to death, 1 or 2 times yea but 6 can you write, oh no you can't. Did you really think that we, the spectator, are dumb enough to think that you would kill the main character. And when they aren't trying to kill Kantiss, they are just piling up the exposition or just aimless action sequences. Learn to write.

But on the up side the film carried on brilliantly from the last film, the visuals were spectacular, a couple of the characters are explored very well. There are also some good special effects within the film but it isn't spectacle over substance, there is still a lot to this film its just easy to find negatives as they just forgot how to write.

So now your thinking should I really go and see this, but then if you haven't seen it you probably didn't read this due to the spoiler warning. But yes do go and see it, it is still an amazing film that is better than the first one by miles. And my rating is a solid 8/10 I really hoped I could give have given it more but it just didn't work out that way sadly.

Saturday 7 December 2013

United 93

Oh My God! This is the single greatest piece of  afilm documentary ever made. There are not enough words to describe the epic proportions of this film. It does everything that you expect of it and more, you feel like you are on that plane, that you are at the air traffic control. Where ever Greengrass points the camera is where you are, at one point I was even offering my decisions to the air traffic controller.

My words can't do this film justice though, it is a film that has to be seen to be believed. Forget Gravity, this is way more breath taking and edge of your seat. And you may think I know how it ends so it won't be that powerful of an ending, oh you couldn't be more wrong. I literally knew 90% of everything that happened in those events and I am still awestruck by it. And that ending is one of the greatest film endings ever, it even puts the ending of the soprano's to shame, even though they are technically identical.

So my verdict. It is to simply go out and buy this film and sit down and watch it. Make sure you have no distractions, turn off your phone, unplug your landline and disable your internet. A rating you ask, my only answer is that it would be arbitrary to give it a rating as there is nothing else on the market to compare it with.