Wednesday 8 January 2014

American Hustle

So American Hustle, my god what a film it is. I have not seen another film like it in all my film watching time. Scored to an amazing soundtrack this film brings the hustling experience to the big screen without a hitch.
I can't overstate how good this film is, well maybe a little, it has everything it needs to be successful and I'm not just talking about a brilliant script. Each of the actors in my opinion deserves an Oscar, them being Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence. They each performed at their up most ability in this and without a shadow of a doubt knew it inside out.

So onto the script, the writer must have been a true hustler before he made this. As every angle, every detail and every move was predicted correctly and written in as such. So much so that I did not see the ending coming in a million miles. But for obvious reasons I can't tell you how it ends, as you should go and find out for yourself. And due to the way they develop the characters and in which order you come to love them, so much so you begin to change opinions of other characters due to their actions. Lets take Bale's character for an example, he starts as a man who does what he needs to survive, but ends up doing so much more for reasons I can't disclose.

But let us look at other area's of the film such as the editing and scoring. I mean how often do you get a film where you can look at it and even appreciate the editing. The way it cuts between scenes is impeccable and some of the best I have seen, it gives the film a more natural flow and development. And the score, my god it is brilliant. The use of so many songs at the right point, such as Live and Let Die, they blend in so seamlessly and feel as if the characters are listening to them rather than as an overplayed track. Albeit, at some points it is both and is done in such a way that it feels natural and enhances what the scene is trying to convey to us.

Usually at this point I would compare this to another film and see how it stands up against it. But I can't think of another film like this that I have seen. The nearest I can get is the BBC TV show Hustle and even that is a far reaching comparison as they have worlds of difference. Will there be other films that follow in this genre, whatever it may be, hopefully they will. But being as good as this is another question all together, as so many elements needed to come together for it to play out successfully as it did.

So the verdict, this is a hard one, as I said there is little to compare it against to get a true verdicts. But that aside I am giving it a strong 9/10, as it is the single greatest film I have seen this year. But I hear you ask "Is there something wrong with it?" Not that I can see, but it just isn't a 10/10 film for some reason. But I do urge in to go out and see it now!

Tuesday 7 January 2014


I thought I would give you a warning that until I run out of material I will be posting article after article about the great action show that is 24. So what sort of material should you expect in this bombardment of 24. Well, everything from season reviews to character biographies to scene breakdowns.